About Us
Since 1991, In-House Greens has been devoted to designing, building, and maintaining indoor plantscapes all across the San Francisco Bay Area.
We have a strong passion for plants and a deep-seeded love for digging in the dirt. In-House Greens is proud to say we have loyal customers who have been with us since the very beginning. Building long standing relationships with our clients is extremely important to us.
Bringing new life to interiors is what we’re all about.

Meet the Green Team

Sara Hutchinson
Owner and Green Thumb Guru
As owner and Creative Director, Sara’s keen business sense and passion for plants are the reasons for In-House Green’s 30+ years of success. She has devoted her life to delivering a higher quality of living to every space she touches. When she’s not hard at work, you will likely find Sara with her adorable Corgi, Peabo, exploring all of the dog-friendly spots from the Bay Area to Lake Tahoe.

In-House Greens mascot and overall cutie-pie, Peabo works hard to keep our spirits high and is always on board for a Bay Area adventure. You can be sure to catch Peabo roaming the trails at her favorite spot, Fort Funston, or hanging with all her Corgi pals at Corgi Con every chance she gets.
What We Stand For
Timely Support
Great Ideas
We’re plant enthusiasts who have made our passion our career. We bring the smiles while transforming spaces of all shapes and sizes – we love seeing how our work affects our customers.
Modern Technology
Excellent Communication
For us, plant care doesn’t just mean caring for the foliage, we care for you as well. Making sure you’re as happy as your plants is a very important part of what we offer.
Don’t Be Shy. Get In Touch.
If you are interested in a consultation, send us a quick message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!